Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Nearly one year for Thao

Just a year ago we were still planing for Thao's trip to America. We were anxiously waiting for approval from the US Embassy to grant permission for Thao and her father to travel to America. It seems as if time has gone by quickly.

On July 31st of this year Thao had her second tissue expander inserted. This time it was placed in the back of her neck. Over the next few months liquid will be added to the expander to stretch her skin. Eventually the expander will be removed and the extra skin will be moved over the top of her head. The idea is to cut out the scared tissue and move the good skin into place. Thao will never have a full head of hair, but she won't have to live the rest of her life with a bald spot on the top of her head.
This surgery was Thao's most painful to date. Here is an email that Ms. Hanh sent shortly after her surgery took place.

"Hello everyone,
Thao had her tissue expander surgery today. This time the expander is placed in the back of her head.Eventually after 3 months of skin expanding, the doctor will stretch that skin over her scalp and upper portion of her face to replace the old burn skin.

She is in a lot of pain this time, more pain than all of the past surgeries. I was at the hospital this morning with the new host father--anh Son. I left after Thao went into surgery but anh Son stayed with Cong until Thao came out of surgery.
Dave and I visited Thao again this afternoon and saw Thao in so much pain. She already had the maximum dose of pain medication and still crying.
I hope she will feel better by tomorrow. I plan to visit her again tomorrow morning and will have more update.

Thao and Cong now have a new host family. Over the past few months the family has grown very close to Thao. The family has two girls and Thao loves to talk and play with them. They are very generous with their time and their hearts.

Thao and Cong are fortunate to have them in their lives.

Thao will continue to go to school this year and is excited to study again. She and her father recently visit her new school to register Thao for classes in the fall. Thao is a very good student and loves to learn. Last year she was first in her class for mathematics's.

What an amazing girl.

I will be visiting Thao this September. I haven't seen her since last September and I wait to see her. I can see from her photos that she has grown and changed in many ways. This experience has been more than just about the surgeries. It has been a journey for Thao to learn about the world and its possibilities. She will take more from this experience than a new face and improved flexibility in her hands.

She is an inspiration to all.

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