Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Continuing on the path to Success

Presenting HSCV Class of Success 01

For the first year HSCV is offering scholarships to a group of students to continue their education post high school. This is an important step in breaking the poverty cycle. Without the opportunity formal training it is likely these children would be fated to working the rice fields for the remainder of their lives. HSCV Class of Success 01 will commence in September 2008. Students will have the option of choosing from a number of courses at local colleges and vocational training centers. In the summer of 2008 students interested in taking college courses will take entrance exams. Colleges are highly competitive and only the top students will be admitted. Those who do not qualify for the programs will be allowed to choose another program, such as another college or vocational training. The length of each College and Vocational training course will take between 1 – 4 years to complete. The courses taken will be at institutions such as; Hanoi Technology University, Hanoi Tourism College, Hanoi Economic Vocational School, Hanoi Economic and Technology Vocational School and Hanoi Mechanical and Electric College. The average course length is 2 years. Currently 10 students have applied for a post high school scholarship from HSCV. A majority of these students are graduates from our Educational Scholarships Program, which sponsors children through the 12 grade. Each child’s sponsorship will catered towards each child’s interests and abilities. If enough additional money is raised additional children will be invited to participate in this program.

Sponsors of $250 or more will receive:
  • A Year Book of the children of HSCV’s class of Success 01
  • The opportunity to exchange letters with a child
  • Updates at the end of each semester

$ 6,042 will cover the total cost for Class of Success 01
Any funding received in excess of program needs will be used to support one of HSCV’s other worthwhile programs.
Updates and yearbooks will include student photos, biographies, school performance, and course information. Yearbooks will be mailed in October of 2008, 1st Semester updates will be mailed at the start of 2009 and end of year reports will be sent in June of 2009.

To make a donation and to learn more about this program please visit our website at http://www.hscv.org/scholarships_post_high_school.htm.

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