Mr. Nhan was born in 1967 in Phu Tho, a poor city north of Hanoi. In 2000, while working as a tree-cutter, he suffered a fall and broke his spine. All of his family’s assets were sold to pay for his 20-million VND medical bill, (approx. $1,000 U.S.). The family’s situation went from bad to worse.
His misfortune did not end there. He became hemiplegic and now his every movement needs assistance. Day after day, he relies on catheters and expensive medical equipment to perform daily bodily functions, and requires a lot of help. Ever since the accident, his whole body aches whenever the weather changes. Furthermore, his lower limbs are starting to ulceratebecause of inactivity. He is now in urgent need of an operation to amputate his legs to prevent further ulceration and the resulting infections that accompany ulcers and bed sores.
While Mr. Nhan suffers his disability, his wife was diagnosed with bladder failure, heart disease and breast tumors. In 2007, she had a bladder operation which left her weak and prone to falling down. However, she cannot afford to stop working as she needs to buy medicine for herself and her husband, plusrice and basic necessities for their 3 children.
When talking to the both of them about their children, Mr. and Mrs. Nhan could not hold back their tears. While other children go to school to have a brighter future, their 22-year-old girl has to take temporary jobs while their 18-year-old son works in construction after being forced to quit school out of necessity - to help pay for his parent’s medical bills. Even though both older children are working very hard to help pay the family’s debts, the bills keep increasing day by day. The family’s youngest daughter is still in school, which is a blessing but also a burden, as they find it increasingly hard to pay for her school fees every month. She too is in danger of having to drop out of school out of necessity.

Mr. Nhan and his family are in desperate need of financial help to pay for the mounting medical billsand needed surgery for Mr. Nhan, not to mention just trying to make ends meet. Sitting painfully on his wheelchair, Mr. Nhan said that he hopes that people with a kind heart will donate enough to help pay for his operation so that there will be less medical bills that his wife and children have been working to pay for him for the last 11 years.
Supports to Mr. Nguyen Van Nhan are highly appreciated. You can make a donation online at: http://www.hscv.org/
Or send a check to:
HSCV, 2965 Spring Lake Road, Prior Lake, MN 55372, USA
HSCV Vietnam, So 8, Ngo 145E Pho Yen Phu, Tay Ho, Hanoi, Vietnam. Tel.: 84 4 3 715 3673
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