Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Hanoi update 11-7-2011

Hi All,

Linh, resident girl number eight, moved into the GFH last Wednesday. A very sweet, lovely but sad young lady. Her profile is attached. This will be a new experience for HSCV, as the the first seven girls were really happy to move in. We will have to move cautiously with Linh and if special help is called for we will look for it.

I would also like to extend a big thank you to United Parcel Service. They have an extensive operation in Vietnam and found out about HSCV's work here. They contacted us early this year and today we picked up a significant donation. It will help greatly in our mission to help needy children. Obviously, very caring people.

Last Saturday night was the fund raising gala put on by the Asian Women And Friends In Hanoi (AWFH) organization. (And do these ladies know how to put on a party!) HSCV will be a prime recipient of any funds raised. The event was held in the ballroom of a fancy hotel. I'm not sure how many guests showed up but I would guess in the 300 to 400 range. On a big stage there were dances by children from several different Asian countries. Then a fashion show which included all of the girls from the HSCV GFH. (Picture attached.) Huyen, the HSCV GFH social worker, got all the girls made up. I suspect this was the first time for most of them wearing makeup. You could tell they were feeling very, very good about themselves.

In the lobby was an art exhibit. Waiters walked around with canapes and beverages. The GFH girls would look at me with their expressions saying; "can we take one of these". (However, when they took one they would take a small bite and then hand it to me. This stuff was way off their food consumption chart. But I finished them all. They were great. Not a good night for Mr. Chuck's diet plan.)

There was a huge buffet. Many, many wonderful things to choose from. (No rice. Yea!) Most of our girls had never seen many of food choices, let alone eaten any. Some surprises for them but nobody left hungry.

HSCV also escorted two children from a school for the blind to the event. They had a wonderful time. AWFH also permitted us to escort a few children from the Quynh Hoa orphanage for handicapped children to set up a table to sell their handicrafts. They made some money and their kids also had a wonderful time.

Millet Winters, the coordinator of this event, asked me to say a few words about HSCV. She asked how much time I needed. I said 45 minutes. She said try 5. I said okay.

After the dinner the real action started. The party had a western motief. Great line dancing, children included. Then they switched to rock and roll. Even your faithful reporter got involved with that. (I just hope nobody has any film. And a special note to my wife Patty, yes, I'm taking my heart medicine.)

But it was a wonderful night. I have no doubt that the HSCV girls and staff will remember it for a long time. Me too.

HSCV President, Chuck Devet

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