Friday, September 23, 2011

Hanoi update 9-6-11

Hi All,

Yesterday was the first day of school. Everything went off without a hitch. Unless you consider it to be a hitch that it was pouring down rain when the girls left the house and that while Hien was riding her bike to school she was hit by a motor bike and ended up in the hospital. It must have been a pretty hard hit but the x-rays showed nothing broken. Just very bruised and sore. She will have to stay home for about three days to recover. Vietnam has an unusual policy in regard to dealing with traffic accidents. Whomever is driving the largest vehicle is at fault. Truck/car the truck pays. Car/motor bike the car pays. Motor bike/bicycle the motor bike pays. So the motor bike driver picked up Hien's hospital expenses. That's one of the reasons there are a lot fewer lawyers in Vietnam than the US.

Thusuong inquired how the other programs were going. Not sure in that I got here on Thursday night and Friday was a holiday. The first working days of each month are rice distribution days so I have not had much opportunity to interact with the staff. However, if there were any major issues I would have been advised. But Linda will be leaving this Saturday and Lien will be leaving 9/20 to be with her fiancee in the US. There contributions will be hard to replace but I'm working on it.

Today Lien and I will be interviewing house mother candidates. This is an important position and I hope we can find someone good. I will keep you updated.

Chuck DeVet, President

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