In late 2009 Thao moved from here home in California to a new home in Minnesota, where she has remained ever since. HSCV is very grateful for the support she receive during her 2 years in CA. During that time she lived with 3 host families, attended 3 schools and made countless friends. We are especially thankful for the support of Hanh, David and Minister Philip.
Since relocating to MN HSCV Team members have been working diligently to find treatment alternatives for both her hands and her face. In 2010 she was accepted for treatment at the Shriner's Hospital in St. Paul. Her treatment was delayed a few months as they fought a staph infection in her eyes. After many months and a slew of medication the infection finally subsided.
The doctors will work on both her hands and her face. They will start with her hands and once that has healed they will begin working on her face. For her face they will once again insert an expander under skin. In California this process was done 3 times. The first time the expander was placed under her skin, where the newly formed skin was pulled up over the bottom half of her face and scarred tissue was removed. The second expander was placed on the back of her neck. This allowed the doctors to close scar tissue on her scalp. The third expander was once again placed under her chin. Unfortunately this time the expander became infected and had to be removed. Thao moved to Minnesota shortly after this happen.

This month Thao had her first surgery in over a year. Thao decided to have surgery on her right hand. When she was burned she lost the top half of all of her fingers and only a small part of her thumb remains. In addition, as her hand healed her fingers fused together, preventing any separation. The surgery was scheduled to take 2 hours, but doctors decided to do more than planned and the surgery lasted for 4 hours. The doctors used skin grafts from her legs to replace the scar tissue.

Thao returned to school on Monday to find her locker decorated and classmates standing by to help her with heavy book bag.
1. Thao and Annetta reunite for Christmas 2009
2. Thao ready for the HSCV Walk Run of 2010
3. Thao ready for some trick-or-treating, 2010
4. Thao a few days after surgery in January 2011
5. Thao having fun with Antonio (Chuck and Patty's grandson)
You can see in your eyes and that great smile that you will grow into a beautiful woman! Keep the faith!