When Thao was 5 years-old she was caught in a terrible fire. No one in the village knew Thao was in the fire, until she came crawling out. The fire was very intense and Thao suffered burns on over 50% of her body. Her face, scalp, hands and backside were all badly burned. She lost all of her fingers and half of her thumb on her right hand. Her left hand is so badly injured that the fingers and wrist are frozen with scarring.
Thao was rushed several hours to Ha Noi to receive emergency burn treatment. For the next several months she remained in Ha Noi. However, the burns became very infected and Thao was in a lot of pain. When the family returned to their country-side home she was treated with eastern medicines and the infections finally began to heal.
When Thao was 7 her mother moved to Taiwan in search of better employment, where she was able to send home some money to help pay for Thao’s mounting medical bills.
Thao was introduces to HSCV when she was 10 years old. Despite difficulties she has always been a good student. She can write by holding pen between her scarred fingers and she can use her thumb to grab. She tires very hard at everything she does.
Thao was approved for treatment by the once for the front and once for the back of her head.=. Ideally doctors would like perform the process once more.
The damage to Thao’s hands is extensive. There isn’t a whole lot doctors can do to help her, but they hope a few surgeries will increase the function of the fingers on her left hand. Up to this point she has received 2 surgeries. Thanks to these surgeries Thao has gained some independence. She is able to tie her shoes and completely dress her self. She can also grasp things like pens and forks much easier.
Thao is currently attending the 4th grade. Her English continues to approve each day. She is a top student in class and excels at math.
Thao is a warm and friendly child. She loves to have fun and is very silly and playful. She can be a bit shy around new people, especially children, but once she is comfortable is very out going.
We are currently seeking a host family for Thao. She will remain in
HSCV will donate $300 each month to help the host family cover cost they incur.
Today we are seeking:
1. A support group to assist with transporting Thao to and from Shriner’s Hospital on a weekly basis as well as to assist Thao with her schooling.
2. A host family in the
3. Monetary donations to help assist with daily living and transportation costs while in the States.
If you can help or know someone who can help please contact Annetta De Vet at annettadevet@hscv.org.
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