Monday, June 30, 2008

Thank you from Cardiostart

Hi everyone, We made it! We were able to raise $5,200 for our Heart Mission. In this November, we will fund a scout team of 3 from Cardiostart International to Hanoi, Vietnam. CardioStart International is an international humanitarian organization that provides education and advanced cardiac medical programs to countries needing assistance. It follows the motto 'feed a person a fish you take care of them once, teach them how to fish, you care for them forever'. This scout team will determine the appropriate hospital to do this work based on facility capability, present team capability, indigent needs and what might be needed to send a full cardiac surgery team in 2009. This team plans to go during our U.S. Thanksgiving Holiday. It consists of an Operating Room Nurse, Cardiac Surgery Recovery Nurse, and a photographer to document the process. Once completed the report will be compiled and presented to HSCV and CardioStart International Management Committee.
It is then that the dates/place for the full mission will be determined. In addition to the surgical mission CardioStart provides outreach work in Orphanages and villages. In the past water treatment, elder care, domestic abuse programs, emergency room and community health education has been provided. The specific program to assist in Vietnam will also need to be determined. If this mission works out we know we can save many children's' lives. Thank you for everyone's support and many thanks to our Vietnamese Community here in MN who help us to make this Heart Mission work to Vietnam possible.

Best Regards,
Tien TruongHSCV
Medical Mission Coordinator

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