The children all come from very difficult backgrounds. Many of them have lost one, or both of their parents to drug abuse. The Friendship Home is often their only refuge. Without it they would find themselves living in homes and neighborhoods
where drugs are pervasive and would likely fall into the same patterns of their parents. While the Friendship Home is a Government funded foster home, they struggle to provide for all of the children's needs. When funds are available HSCV donates items such as clothing, school supplies, fans, and supplies.

Alice and the children have become very close over the past few years. It was hard for everyone to say goodbye. Alice's last night in
Hanoi was spent with the children. She invited all of the children, the house mothers, guards, and staff to dinner. In addition fellow ESL teacher Jim and HSCV Vice President Annetta joined in on the fun. A group of about 30 walked to a local restaurant to enjoy a meal of chicken, duck, noodles and soup. The children rarely, if ever, eat in a restaurant. They all donned their best clothes and the girls used their prettiest hair ties and barrettes to tie back their hair.

After dinner the group went to the local supermarket where the children we all allowed to pick one ice cream treat. It was a hard choice for some, while others knew exactly the treats they wanted.
At the end of the night it was difficult for everyone to say goodbye. Photos were taken, songs were sung and hugs were given.
We are all sad to see Alice leave us. She has been a valuable friend to the children and to HSCV. In the fall of 2007 Alice was in charge of our Fall Fundraiser, which raised $5000. Her hard work and dedication will be missed, but we'll miss her loving and kind spirit most of all.
Good luck to you Alice and come back to see us soon!
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